Homeearphone → "Music Recognition" lets you know song titles and artist names right away! Useful when you can't remember: iPhone Tips

"Music Recognition" lets you know song titles and artist names right away! Useful when you can't remember: iPhone Tips

Sometimes you just want to know what music is playing around you. In such a case, you can check the song title and artist name by turning on "Music Recognition". Let's add "Music Recognition" to the control center in advance and use it. Just listen to music on your iPhone and the corresponding songs will be displayed. This time, I will introduce how to use the "music recognition" function.

Added "Music Recognition" to Control Center

First, let's add "Music Recognition" to the Control Center. Open the "Settings" app and tap "Control Center". Press the "+" to the left of "Music Recognition" to add it.

Song name and artist in

Using the "music recognition" function

Once you've added it to the Control Center, let's use the "Music Recognition" feature. After pressing the "Music Recognition" icon to turn it on, when you listen to music on your iPhone, the song will be displayed at the top, so tap it.

Tap "Open" to view the details of the song. You can also listen to Apple music by tapping "Play full song".

Occasionally, you may want to review a song you found using music recognition. In such a case, you can view the history by pressing and holding the "Music Recognition" icon.

Even if you don't install the "Shazam-Music Recognition" app, you can find out what song it is and check the history, so it's easy to use.

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