Homeearphone → In memory of the 10th anniversary of Jobs' death on Apple's official website. There is also an anecdote that ``I threw the first iPhone in front of the reporter.''

In memory of the 10th anniversary of Jobs' death on Apple's official website. There is also an anecdote that ``I threw the first iPhone in front of the reporter.''

October 5 marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs, and former Apple chief design officer Jony Ive also shared his memories. was

And on this day, which celebrated the 10th anniversary of the death of the deceased, Apple also posted selected videos and words from the family on the top page of the official website as "Honoring Steve". In addition, in the US media CNET, a reporter who interviewed Mr. Jobs during his lifetime talks about episodes such as "I threw the original iPhone into the air to show that it was sturdy."

First of all, on Apple's official website, Mr. Jobs' family said, ``Over the past 10 years, we have spent days of mourning and healing, and our gratitude has grown as much as the loss. ' is delivered.

Amongst all of Steve's talents, the one that stands out the most is his ability as a teacher.To open his mind to the beauty of the world.To be curious about new ideas.What's next. And above all, remember to be a beginner and stay humble.He taught us all of these things.”

10th anniversary of Jobs' death on Apple's official website

However, CNET introduces an episode from early 2007, a few months before the first iPhone was released. Mr. Jobs, who was asked about durability by journalists, said that he threw the prototype of the first iPhone in the center of the room on the spot. The room fell silent when the device fell on the carpeted floor.

Luckily, the iPhone was not damaged or broken internally, and Jobs was able to perform basic actions such as swipes and pinches. "I took a calculated risk," the reporter said, adding, "Imagine how disastrous it would have been if that iPhone had crashed or shut down in front of so many journalists." And looking back at Mr. Jobs' terrible courage.

By the way, when the original iPhone was presented for the first time, it is known that many replacements were prepared due to concerns that it would freeze due to lack of memory.

Ten years after his death, Mr. Jobs is still popping up with new anecdotes. In addition to the great achievement that brought the Mac and iPhone to the world, it seems that the strong individuality and behavior will not fade from people's memories in the future.

Source: Apple, CNET

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