Homeearphone → There are also situations where communication is difficult due to corona evil ... APD parties who "cannot hear conversation" due to crowds and BGM

There are also situations where communication is difficult due to corona evil ... APD parties who "cannot hear conversation" due to crowds and BGM




 「寝ぼけているんじゃないの?とか、お前バカなんじゃないの?ということを言われると傷つく」。【映像】聞こえるのに聞き取れない症状「APD」とは 当事者が語る苦悩...社会の理解は? YouTuberのAyoshi(24)は長年APD(聴覚情報処理障害)という、音や声は聞こえるのに相手が何を話しているのか理解できない症状に苦しんできた。居酒屋などの賑やかな場所、あるいは静かな場所でも複数の人が発言する会議の場でも、話が理解できないことがあるという。それはちょうど、携帯の電波が悪いときに近い感じなのだという。

When can I hear it?

 「渋谷とか新宿みたいに街中に大きなテレビがあったりするところとか、BGMが流れている店内で、人の会話が聞き取れないということがある。名詞が落ちるような感覚なので、前後が聞き取れればなんとかなる。でも大事なところが抜け落ちると、聞き返さざるを得ない」。 Ayoshiが初めて異変に気づいたのは高校生のとき。「友達に、話聞いていないよね?とか、適当に相槌打っているよね?と言われることがあって。えっ、そうなの?これ普通じゃないの?という感じだった」。



 The result is normal even if you have a hearing test in otolaryngology.Since then, he has been consulted at multiple medical institutions more than 10 times, but he has not even understood the cause.However, while searching on the net, she learned about the APD, and when she was 22, she was diagnosed.She said, "I was convinced that the moyamoya was clear, so it was so. She felt good to understand."Now she is sending her troubles through YouTube and others to spread the APD understanding based on her own experience.

■ "Possibility of causes in a complex place"

Associate Professor Sakamoto

 Associate Professor Koichi Sakamoto (otolaryngology pathology) of Osaka City University Graduate School (otolumatic pathology) has a difference between hearing loss and APD.It has called for some cause. On the other hand, APD is generally considered to have a symptom that is difficult to hear because of the so -called center of the center.I don't know if I hear English, but it's an APD. In short, the sound is heard but there is no vocabulary.

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