Homeearphone → What are the advantages and disadvantages of a house without a corridor?Introducing the layout of the layout, the precautions to avoid regrets, and the impressions of the people who live!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a house without a corridor?Introducing the layout of the layout, the precautions to avoid regrets, and the impressions of the people who live!

What is the floor plan of a house without a corridor?

In the old days, there was always a corridor in Japanese housing, but recently, there have been many layout houses with few corridors to make effective use of space.


For example, the floor plan as shown in the figure below.In a house close to a square, the entrance hall also serves as a corridor.

Created from the materials provided by Sagawa Asahi Institute of Architecture Co., Ltd.

In addition, if the stairs are provided in the center, and the living room, water, bedroom, etc. can be placed around it, it can be used to make it easy to live without a corridor.


There are stairs in the room, so you don't have to take space such as stairs halls and corridors.In addition, the space on the upper and lower floors is gently connected, creating a sense of unity.When you go up to the second floor, you will always pass through the living room, so it is easy to communicate with your family in the living room.

 廊下のない家のメリット・デメリットとは? 間取りの工夫や後悔しないための注意点、住んでいる人の感想も紹介!

Image of living in stairs


What are the benefits of a floor plan without a corridor?




What are the disadvantages of the floor plan without a corridor?


For example, it is not very pleasant to go through a Japanese -style room or bedroom to move to the entrance with the garbage from the kitchen.In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to carefully consider the arrangement of the room.


Is it easy to live in a house without a corridor?Introducing the impressions of those who actually live!


Some people may think that the corridor is a wasteful space, but there is a aspect that there is a corridor and the houses will generate plenty and margins.However, if you feel that the space is wasteful when there is a corridor, it is also recommended that the corridor has functionality.For example, it is a good idea to decorate art works in a wide corridor to enjoy it like a gallery, or install a bookshelf.In fact, he said, "I was wondering whether to make a corridor, but I was glad that I could use it as a space for children to read books because I made a bookshelf in the corridor."



Houses without corridors have the advantage of being able to make effective use of space and shortening movements, but there is a disadvantage that there is no restrictions on the layout or the feeling of relaxation.

If you are considering building a house without a corridor, be careful not to regret after grasping such features.
